Presentation of the new Joint Master Degree Programme: “Field Archaeology inGreece: Interdisciplinarity and Cutting-Edge Technologies”

The Department of History, Archaeology, and Social Anthropology of the University of Thessaly, in collaboration with the Department of History of the Ionian University and the Department of Humanities of Roma Tre University (Rome, Italy), is organizing a presentation of the new English Taught Joint Master Degree Programme: "Field Archaeology in Greece: Interdisciplinarity and Cutting-Edge Technologies," which focuses on archaeological field research within a contemporary interdisciplinary framework. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, March 5th, at 18:00 (Greek time), in Room 17 (6th floor) of the Roza Imvrioti Building in the Papastratos Complex of the University of Thessaly. Remote participation will also be available via the MS-Teams platform: click Here The event is open to the public, and attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the programme’s structure, engage…
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IUF – International University Fair

Join us on Friday, February 21st, at the IUF - International University Fair, the largest educational event in Southeastern Europe! Discover our Joint Master’s Degree in Field Archaeology in Greece: Interdisciplinarity and Cutting-Edge Technologies, an innovative, English-taught programme that combines hands-on experience with the latest research methods.Visit the University of Thessaly booth to learn more, meet our team, and get answers to all your questions about your studies and career prospects! Location: Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens at 15:00. REGISTRATION: Registration is free! Sign up now:
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