Fournoi Project (eastern Aegean)

Underwater Archaeological Research at Fournoi

Underwater Archaeological Research at Fournoi

Fournoi 1
Fournoi 2
Fournoi 3

Description of field project:

The Phournoi Project, situated in the eastern Aegean region, represents a collaborative endeavor initiated in 2015 and currently ongoing, jointly conducted by the University of Thessaly and the Ephorate of Maritime Antiquities under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Focused on the Phournoi archipelago, comprising approximately 20 islands, islets, and shoals, this endeavor lies south of Samos and Ikaria.

During its initial phase (2015-2020), the project primarily concentrated on the comprehensive documentation, analysis, and examination of ancient, medieval, and post-medieval shipwrecks within the designated area. Subsequently, from 2021 onward, the research has pivoted towards the excavation of a late Roman shipwreck, dated to the latter half of the 6th century A.D., denoted as Shipwreck 15. Notably, this wreck contains a cargo consisting of amphorae and tableware sourced from the Black Sea and the Northeast Aegean.

Situated along the eastern coastline of the primary Phournoi island, Shipwreck 15 lies exposed to prevailing northern winds at depths ranging between 42 to 49 meters. Accessible solely by boat, both the ancient vessel and its cargo have endured remarkably, maintaining their structural integrity upon the sandy, sloping seabed. Initial excavation endeavors employ air-lift mechanisms to displace sediments and fully uncover the vessel and its contents.

Period of excavation:

Conducted annually in the month of September, the survey spans a duration of four weeks. Participation prerequisites include possession of an Advanced Nitrox diving certification, a medical clearance from a hyperbaric physician, and individual Dan type insurance coverage against diving-related incidents.

Work schedule:

While no fixed schedule is prescribed due to the direct influence of weather conditions, collaborators are expected to maintain continuous availability throughout daylight hours.


The research’s fiscal allocation encompasses provisions for round-trip ferry transportation from Piraeus to Phournoi, catering services featuring breakfast and one daily meal, as well as accommodation arrangements within double or triple occupancy rooms.

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